Children’s Liturgy of the WORD — Palm Sunday

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Wishing you a blessed Palm Sunday!

Invite children to watch this special Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Thanks to Heidi and Mark from Christ the King Church in South Bend, Indiana, for sharing this with us.

Feel free to share this video with your children or parish. Pflaum’s Children Celebrate children’s leaflet for this week is included in the video comments (and below). Please share!

We’ve embedded the video below, but it can also be found via YOUTUBE here. This video is suitable for all ages.

See other links below that may help you share this Children’s Liturgy of the Word for Palm Sunday.

Help us sustain our ministry through our new 30-day Indiegogo campaign!
Free downloadable “Jesus Died For Us” coloring page available at *If you would like to share your child’s weekly coloring pages or faith-based drawings, please e-mail them to by Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST, and we will try to feature them in next week’s video.*
This video (and future videos) will air on the CatholicTV channel every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 6 pm EST. It will also re-air on Monday at 7:30 am and Wednesday at 8 am EST.
“Go Now And Listen To God’s Word,” “Hosanna! Shout Hosanna!,” “Glory and Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ,” “Yes, Lord, I Believe,” Music: John Burland 2020, “, “Serving Each Other,” and “Come Do This in Memory of Me.” Copyright © 2020 John Burland (Ovation Music Services). Distributed exclusively by Bayard Music, a division of Bayard, Inc.
Script written with help from the Children Celebrate Leader’s Guide Spring 2021 from Pflaum Publishing Group, a division of Bayard, Inc.
Colored illustrations from Living with Christ Sunday Missal for Young Catholics ©Marcelino Truong/Bayard.
Additional artwork by Evelyn Berry, Dean Robledo, and Grace Witte.
Additional editing by Ryan Witte.
Public domain photos and video from these sites:,, Smithsonian Open Access,, and Wikimedia Commons.
A special thanks to Pflaum Publishing Group for their generosity in sharing their resources with our children during this pandemic.
Check out new perks and help us continue our ministry by making a one-time donation through our 30-day Indiegogo Campaign. Visit for more information, and please spread the word!
To order the digital Summer Children Celebrate program, including my five-minute Gospel Reflection and Saint in the Spotlight videos, or the 2020-2021 Sunday Missal for Young Catholics, visit If your parish or school already uses Children Celebrate! or Pflaum Gospel Weeklies, contact your parish to request that they share the videos with you.
Now available on Pflaum Publishing Group’s YouTube Channel–a new free video to help prepare your child(ren) for the season of Lent! Join Catholic composer, John Burland, and myself for a new sing-a-long special called “Songs to Journey with Jesus during Lent.” This free children’s video introduces children to the season of Lent and invites children to sing along to some of John’s special songs for this prayerful liturgical season. (Brought to you by Pflaum Publishing Group)
Now available for download! We have been blessed by the gift of John Burland’s lovely Children’s Liturgy dismissal song, “Go Now and Listen to God’s Word.” This beautiful call-and-response song is available for download at and sheet music is now available at!
John Burland has just released a new liturgical music collection for schools and parishes, called Gathered as Your People Lord, available on Amazon Music, Spotify, and other streaming channels. You can also purchase his CDs at, or go to for MP3 downloads.
Since March 2020, my husband Mark and I have been producing and sharing our free 30 minute Children’s Liturgy videos in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Continuing to produce our program has become increasingly challenging for us. Please support us by becoming a patron at .
Thank you for sharing your children with us this weekend! May God bless you and your family, and may He keep you safe and well. Have a blessed Holy Week, and see you next week as we celebrate Jesus’ glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday!
This video was produced by Heidi and Mark Witte (parishioners of Christ the King Catholic Church in South Bend, Indiana).
@KidsLiturgy (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
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