Through Baptism we become children of God and are claimed for Christ. While many of our students do not remember their own Baptism, it is our job as catechists (and parents) to help them understand the importance of this event. In understanding Baptism, it is important for students to understand the symbols that are used during Baptism and what they signify. Making a three-dimensional Baptism banner can help remind students of four important parts of Baptism.
Water: Water is a source of life. By being baptized in holy water, we have new life in Christ.
Candle: The candle signifies that Christ has enlightened the newly baptized. It is a reminder that we, like Christ, are to be lights for the world.
Oil: The consecrated oil signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit to the newly baptized, who is now anointed by the Holy Spirit.
White Garment: The white garment symbolizes that the baptized has been clothed with
Christ (see Galatians 3:27).
Supplies Needed:
■ 8.5″ x 11″ white cardstock
■ Scissors
■ Glue
■ Marker
■ Tape
■ Blue cellophane (3.5″ x 7″)
■ Yellow cellophane (about 1.75″ x 1.75″)
■ White cardstock (3″ x 5″)
■ Orange tissue paper (1″ x 1″)
■ Ribbon (14″ long)
■ Small scrapbook stickers
■ White felt (about 4″ x 3″)
■ Template that you create Baptism Craft Template
With the class
■ Create the template in advance, and print it onto cardstock. OR: Divide the page into four equal rectangles by drawing a horizontal and vertical line. Draw a three-inch circle in the middle.
■ In the middle circle, use the scrapbook stickers to spell out the word Baptism.
■ In the top left corner, place four horizontal lines of glue (glue sticks work best). Stick the short edge of the cellophane (representing water) in the top line of glue. Then bend the cellophane to create an arch while sticking the cellophane in the second line of glue. Repeat those steps to the third and then the fourth line of glue. The cellophane should appear to have three arches or waves sticking up to make it three-dimensional.
■ In the top right corner, use the small piece of cardstock, roll it into a candle, and tape or
glue the seam. Glue to the page with the seam down. Crinkle the orange tissue paper and
glue it down to make the flame. Use a marker to draw a cross on the candle.
■ In the bottom right corner, use the template to trace the oil out of yellow cellophane. You can print, trace, or draw the jar and glue the cellophane on top.
■ In the bottom left corner, trace the shirt template onto the white felt and then cut and glue it down. Use a marker to add a cross to the front of the white garment.
■ Tape the ribbon to the back so that the Baptism banner can be hung.
Prayer: Father in heaven, when the Spirit came down upon Jesus at his Baptism in the Jordan, you revealed him as your own beloved Son. Keep me, your child, born of water and the Spirit, faithful to my calling. May I, who share in your life as your child through Baptism, follow in Christ’s path of service to people. Let me become one in his sacrifice and hear his Word with faith. May I live as your child, following the example of Jesus.
— Prayer to Live as a Child of God, courtesy of Catholic.org. (Used with permission.)
Sara Jonckheere, MA, is an elementary school teacher turned work-at-home mom. Creating digital curriculum and resources, she shares teaching ideas at SaraJCreations.com.
This article was originally published in Catechist magazine, September 2017