Thursday, January 23, 2025

A Parish Guide to Integrated Faith Formation

Catechist.com recommends... As we emerge from the pandemic, parishes have an incredible opportunity to connect the home or domestic church with the wider parish community....

A tip from Amazing Catechists

  FROM AMAZING CATECHISTS: If you use a tablet in your classroom, here’s a teaching game you don’t want to miss. This review of the Catholic...

Ways a Catechist Might Pray

Question: Are there some specific ways that I might pray personally in my role as a catechist? SR. JANET SCHAEFFLER, OP OFFERS THIS ANSWER… Many...

Catholic Central presents “The Rosary” (6-min. video)

A fun, informative, history of the Rosary -- and more! Great for middleschoolers, teens, and adults.

Using Social Media to Share Our Faith with Teens

BY AMY CATTAPAN Instagram and Pinterest might not be the first tool you think of when it comes to evangelization, but when you picture your...

Guiding Youth Toward Digital Discipleship

Tips and resources for parents SR. CAROLINE CERVENY, SSJ-TOSF The use of technology is an integral part of today’s youth culture. Digital citizenship is often talked...

Don’t Go!

The Spirit comes to stay SUSIE LLOYD A while back, I knew a group of ladies at church who couldn’t let go of their priest, despite...

An excerpt from The Way of Catechesis, by Gerard F. Baumbach

Looking Back 50 Years (or so) at the Documents that Guide Our Ministry An excerpt from The Way of Catechesis By Gerard F. Baumbach Five decades is...

Pflaum Gospel Weeklies featured on CFN

This 7-minute video offers a look how the Gospel Weeklies bring evangelization and catechesis to parish and families. It features a Q-and-A with publisher...

Seven Ways to Create Presentations That Stick

Engage minds, refresh souls, make it a win for your audience LISA MLADINICH It’s five minutes to start time, as they file into the church hall...