Saturday, July 27, 2024

Men of St. Joseph and the New Evangelization

A Profile of a Parish-based Ministry for Men ZACHARY MORGAN Facilitating relevant ministries for the spiritual edification of men can be difficult. Men’s ministries most often...

Passing on the Joyful Encounter: The role of the catechist

BY BISHOP ROBERT MCMANUS, DIOCESE OF WORCESTER Pope Francis has repeatedly reminded the Church that the basis of all evangelization and catechesis is the proclamation...

The Catechist and Scripture — A Parish-Based Retreat

DEANNA G. BARTALINI Praying and reflecting on who we are as catechists This retreat is designed so that a local director of religious education and a...

Discover the Sacraments in the Bible

Woodeene Koenig-Bricker For many Catholics, the correlation between the sacraments and the Bible is a bit hazy. When confronted by non-Catholics wanting to know how...

Inviting New Disciples

JOE PAPROCKI In his book, Dedication and Leadership, Douglas Hyde (who left the Communist Party in 1948 and became Catholic) explains that young people were attracted...

Blessed Are You: Understanding and Teaching the Beatitudes

FATHER DWIGHT LONGENECKER One of my favorite Gospel stories is the account of Jesus cleansing the temple. When he turned over the moneychangers' tables, he...

More Than Math!

How Catechists Teach Differently Than Any Other Kind of Teacher Jared Dees When I first started out as a religious educator, I used to be envious...

The Catechist with a Green Halo

Using Aristotelian concepts as a teaching method AARON T. MARTIN One of the most beautiful churches in the country stands at Lexington Avenue and 66th Street...

Christopher West: “Sex, Gender, and Jesus” (Multi-part video)

Christopher West, a Catholic author and speaker best known for his powerful presentations on St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, presented a...

What is Theology of the Body? With Christopher West

Christopher West offers a new "introduction" video to St. John Paul II's theology of the body. This 11-minute talk is appropriate for high school...