Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Supporting Parents: Tips for effective parent meetings

Providing services and programs for parents and guardians is at the heart of parish catechetical effort. How can the parent meetings be both informative and...

Tips for Starting A New Program Year

LORI DAHLHOFF "In the beginning was the Word." (John 1:1) The start of any new educational program is filled with words: names, room assignments, textbooks, lesson...

Following the Leader: Jesus word’s set the tone for leadership

Jesus’ words to Peter and the disciples set the tone for leadership BY SARA BLAUVELT Years ago I began a Lenten tradition of sending a short...

Reaffirming the Role of Parents in Religious Education

BY LISA MLADNICH As catechists, most of us have struggled to teach children whose families are, for a variety of reasons, in a woeful state...

7 Steps for a Do-It-Yourself Retreat

Plan this retreat for catechists involved in sacramental formation BY DEANNA BARTALINI Catechists work hard. They share their faith and knowledge, and they give up personal...

The Catechist and Scripture — A Parish-Based Retreat

DEANNA G. BARTALINI Praying and reflecting on who we are as catechists This retreat is designed so that a local director of religious education and a...

5 Tips for Forming Catechists’ Spirituality

DR. LORI DAHLHOFF Nurturing the spirituality of catechists is crucial to providing effective religious education. Daily meditation on Scripture Incorporate guided meditation on Scripture into meetings...

4 tips for communicating with catechists

Reflecting on Jesus' examples of communicating with his disciples, here are four tips for communicating with catechists from parish catechetical leaders' experiences from around...

Courage International: For men and women who experience same-sex attractions

Courage International is a Catholic pastoral ministry that assists people with same-sex attraction. This video is suitable for parish leaders and interested adults. Note...

Three Keys to Offering Catechesis for the Families (without overhauling your programming)

JARED DEES An increasing number of parishes are experimenting with new ways to engage entire families in children’s catechesis. We have long focused almost exclusively...