Welcome to Catechist.com

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This site contains the recent archives of Catechist magazine that was published by Bayard, Inc. through May of 2020. Learn more about the content of the magazine and the goals of this website on our About page. 

To search for topics of interest:
Fill in the search box in the upper right hand corner of the home page.

Explore our drop down menus on the home page:

We serve three areas of broad interest, where more specific subdivisions are found:

  1. Catechist Formation
  2. Lessons and Activities
  3. Resources

Discover the Kids Calendar

In the same navigation bar, you’ll also find a menu to download a popular, downloadable liturgical calendar for children, produced for each month of the year.

Browse the Store

Finally, you’ll see a link to our store that showcases valuable resources for the field of catechesis for both catechists, DREs, and parents.


This website is managed by the team at Pflaum Publishing. Learn more about their versatile and easy-to-implement faith formation curriculum for PRE-K through 9th grade: Pflaum Gospel Weeklies. (Available in English and Spanish.)

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