Every day after the kids left for school, my mom sat on the edge of her bed and said her prayers using a little booklet she kept on the nightstand. I know this because when I’d come home from college and kept the odd hours of a student on break, there she was, every day without fail, peacefully meditating on her prayer books.
A few years ago, I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed one morning, praying for some need or another. It felt natural and, over time, became a cherished habit. And that’s the beauty of it. My mom never told me to pray. I’m not sure she consciously realized she was setting an example. She just prayed.
So take heart. Your kids see you doing amazing, heroic things every day. They see you working hard at your job. They see you praying and going to Mass. They see you doing small things for them—making their lunch, or kissing them on the forehead. All the things you value, you’re teaching your kids, maybe without even knowing it. You may not realize it right now, but because you are chosen by God, you are an incredible gift to your children. Believe it.
TO DO» Think of one habit you’d like your child to adopt. If you’re not already doing it, start today.
TO PRAY» Lord God, it’s not easy being a good example. Help me with your strength and wisdom.
CONNIE CLARK is the editor of Living Faith Kids and the author of several books, including Living the Beatitudes (Twenty-Third Publications). She is a parent of two teenagers.
Excerpted from Pep Talks for Catholic parents, by Connie Clark. 2016. Published by Twenty-Third Publications. Used with permission. All rights reserved.