Explaining Baptism and Confirmation

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One of the traditional images of the church is that of the ark. In this model, the goal is to get everyone on board, prevent them from falling overboard into mortal sin, and keep them on the ark until it reaches the port of heaven. Explain the ark image to the class as you discuss Baptism and Confirmation.

Explore with the students how they participate in the mission of the church now and how they hope to contribute to the church’s mission as adults.

You may also want to introduce other traditional images that relate to the sacraments of initiation — a shell with water, a dove, or wheat and grapes, — and have the students discuss how these images help us better understand the sacraments.

Another practical idea for working with the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation includes taking time to study both rites with the class so they understand what happens during the celebrations.


KATE RISTOW has written catechist and teacher guides, as well as student text materials for every grade level. She has worked in religious formation for more than 30 years as a classroom teacher, catechist, and administrator. In addition, she is a national speaker and writer.

Excerpted from Celebrating the Sacraments: Inspiration and Professional Growth, part of the Called to Be a Catechist series at Twenty-Third Publications. 2017. Published by Twenty-Third Publications. Used with permission. All rights reserved.


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Book: Twenty-Third Publications


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