Sunday, September 8, 2024

Leading DRE: 3 Summer-Break Planning Strategies

Before you Pause, Look Back and Look Forward DEANNA BARTALINI The catechetical year is winding down. You’ve made it through whirlwind months of working on...

Two by Two

How to Pair Students Effectively in Religious Education JARED DEES “Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two …” (Mark 6:7) “The Lord...

Go Forth to Bring Peace with Love

A Lesson for Families from St. Teresa of Calcutta SUSIE LLOYD I once visited one of the houses of the Missionaries of Charity, the community founded...

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit and Our Use of Social Media

Evangelization Inspiration from Pope Francis ALLISON GINGRAS Social media provides catechists with an effective method of sharing the Catholic faith. Prudent decision making on how...

Our Mission Is to Make Parents Disciples

On Reaching Out to your Students’ Parents and Inviting them In JARED DEES If there is one source of complaint or repeated question I can expect...

Music and Eucharistic Adoration

Four Areas of Preparation KATE DANELUK  Years ago, I sat on a vacation Bible school curriculum development team. How could we convict our students in their...

Perseverance and the Prayer of a Catechist

Tips For Growing a Healthy Prayer Life MARCEL LE JEUNE I once surveyed a class of parishioners about their prayer lives, asking them to rate how...

Keeping Advent in a Digital Age

Apps, Websites, and Activities Geared for the Season JONATHAN F. SULLIVAN Keeping an Advent season of attentive and joyful anticipation — amidst the secular celebration...

Times to turn to Scripture — a reference list for young Catholics

Many people turn to Scripture to interpret their lives, their feelings, and their world through God's Word. Use this list yourself as a reference, or...

More Than Math!

How Catechists Teach Differently Than Any Other Kind of Teacher Jared Dees When I first started out as a religious educator, I used to be envious...