Crafts for Catechesis: Glory Be Prayer Poster
by Jessica Gordon
CLICK HERE to download a pdf of this activity.
CLICK HERE to dowload the Glory Be prayer worksheet.
Copyright 2016, Bayard, Inc. All...
Beginning the Year Prayer Service: Praying with Pope Francis
Introduction: This is a meaningful prayer service to use during your first class or gathering of the year. Welcome children with the inspiring words...
Classroom of Compassion
Three ingredients that foster warmth and support
A sweet boy in my fourth-grade class turned to his classmates for prayer. “My mom has cancer.”...
Praying in difficult times
My students sat perfectly still. Every one of them was attentive, reverent, and engaged. And I wish with all my heart that they...
Be Happy, it’s Easter! A prayer service for the Easter Season
In our culture, Easter is not a celebrated season. After Easter Sunday, little is made of this 50-day period that culminates on Pentecost Sunday....
Fasting and Feasting – a prayer service for Lent
Marc Cardaronella
Lent is a time of fasting. But it can also be more: Lent can be a time of feasting — on positive spiritual...
Have You Seen a Burning Bush Lately?
by Mary McEntee McGill
Today’s prayer will focus on Moses’ discovery of a bush that is burning—a bush that burns but is not consumed...
Prayers for Peace
A Prayer Attributed to St. Francis
Lord, make us instruments of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
where there is injury,...
The Divine Praises – Sung by Matt Maher and Audrey Assad at WYD 2016
An easy version to sing along with... The Divine Praises sung by Matt Maher and Audrey Assad. Suitable for all ages, for prayer.
Video is...