Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Living the Liturgical Year—Happy Birthday, Mary! (free downloadable activity)

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sept. 8 CONNIE CLARK You know when Jesus’ birthday is, but what about Mary’s? Does Mary get a birthday celebration?...

Mary: Disciple and Woman of Faith

A Theological Reflection

Mary Visits Elizabeth: An Echo Pantomime for the Visitation (May 31)

By Page McKean Zyromski The feast of the Visitation, May 31, celebrates Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth shortly after the Annunciation. St. Luke recounts...

Advent Activity for Dec. 12, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Catechists: Use this activity to explore the themes of today’s Gospel with teens. A downloadable PDF of this page is available at the bottom of...

The Heart of the Message of Fatima

By Virginia M. Kimball Pray, fast, confess, receive the Eucharist, and be devoted to the Immaculate Heart ​One hundred years ago, in 1917, three years...

Faith in Facts for Young Learners — The Annunciation

Do you know these facts about the Annunciation of the Lord? Read each statement and circle the letter next to the word or phrase that makes the statement a fact. Before you begin, fold the bottom of the page up to the dotted line. That way, you cannot see the answers until you’re ready to check your facts. Have fun and learn!

Effective Teaching: Devotion to Mary and the Saints

Catechists Need Role Models to Light the Way

Exploring Marian Apparitions and the Miracles at Lourdes

It started with a "noise like a gust of wind," explained the fourteen-year-old teen we now know as St. Bernadette Soubirous. Today, more than 150 years later, millions of pilgrims still travel to the once-small town in southern France where that gust of wind first heralded the presence of our Blessed Mother. The pilgrims come to pray for healing and reconciliation, to bathe in the waters, and to remember the 18 appearances, or apparitions, of the Virgin Mary to Bernadette at Lourdes.

The Visitation of Mary as a Summer Springboard

The beautiful feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on May 31, just as the school year ends. Is there some way to incorporate it into our lessons as we whisk the class out the door for the summer? We reflect on this biblical event in preparation for Christmas and in teaching the Second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, but seldom do we get a chance to teach about it in depth.

Surprised by Grace

by Jean Larkin CLICK HERE for a special feature on Our Lady of Guadalupe. Copyright 2011, Bayard, Inc. All rights reserved. This article is protected...