Three Ways to Help Teens Know Mary
We’re sure to encounter a variety of attitudes that young people hold toward Mary, the Blessed Mother. In my youth ministry experience,...
The Visitation of Mary as a Summer Springboard
The beautiful feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on May 31, just as the school year ends. Is there some way to incorporate it into our lessons as we whisk the class out the door for the summer? We reflect on this biblical event in preparation for Christmas and in teaching the Second Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, but seldom do we get a chance to teach about it in depth.
Advent Activity for Dec. 12, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Catechists: Use this activity to explore the themes of today’s Gospel with teens. A downloadable PDF of this page is available at the bottom of...
Mary: Disciple and Woman of Faith
A Theological Reflection
Faith in Facts for Young Learners The Annunciation
Do you know these facts about the Annunciation
of the Lord? Read each statement and circle
the letter next to the word or phrase that makes the
statement a fact. Before you begin, fold the bottom of
the page up to the dotted line. That way, you cannot see the
answers until you’re ready to check your facts. Have fun and learn!
Living the Liturgical Year—Happy Birthday, Mary! (free downloadable activity)
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sept. 8
You know when Jesus’ birthday is, but what about Mary’s? Does Mary get a birthday celebration?...
Five Lessons from Fatima
by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur
Tips for guiding children into the heart of the message
One of the most fantastic aspects of Our Lady of Fatima’s message is...
Mary links for research and for fun: The Mary page, word search, and coloring...
Here are some Mary-related resources that you may find helpful in class!
From Real Life at Home
This Hail Mary word search puzzle will help reinforce...
Crafts for Catechists: Our Lady’s Bug
by Jessica Gordon
CLICK HERE to download a pdf of this activity.
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Using Visual Symbols to Teach the Mysteries of the Rosary
With October being the month of the Rosary, the religious education classes always dedicate some class time to praying the Rosary, so my class was pretty familiar with the prayers and the order in which they are prayed. For this year, I thought we would focus on the Mysteries of the Rosary and learn how to meditate on those particular times in Jesus' and Mary's lives.