Sr. Nanette M. Zeimet, SND
I have come to learn the value of music and poetry. Twenty years ago I taught my first religious education class. I was given a first-grade class, and I had no idea how to teach children that age. They were studying the Great Commandment.
How could I expect these children to memorize something they could barely read, much less understand? Children like to sing, and they like poems that rhyme. With that in mind, I wrote my first parody about the Great Commandment to the tune of “London Bridge.” By setting it to music, the children learned it that very day.
The next year I wrote parodies to help the children learn about prayers, the Mass, the Bible, and First Communion.
We all learn in different ways. In my teacher training I discovered that “musical” is one of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences. The three styles of learning are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Many auditory learners benefit from music. Visual learners are helped by having the words in front of them. Kinesthetic learners engage by acting out gestures. Hopefully, these parodies will help you with your lesson plans.
Great Commandment Song
[To the tune of “London Bridge”]
Love God with all your heart,
all your heart, all your heart.
Love God with all your heart.
I love Jesus.
Love God with all your mind,
all your mind, all your mind,
Love God with all your mind.
I think of Jesus.
Love God with all your soul,
all your soul, all your soul.
Love God with all your soul.
I pray to Jesus.
Love God with all your strength,
all your strength, all your strength.
Love God with all your strength.
I trust Jesus.
Love your neighbor as yourself,
as yourself, as yourself.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
My friend Jesus.
Mass Song
[To the tune of “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain”]
We will go to Mass on Sundays, yes we will. | We will go to Mass on Sundays, yes we will. | We will go to Mass on Sundays. | We will go to Mass on Sundays. | We will go to Mass on Sundays, yes we will.
We will listen to God’s Word at Sunday Mass. | We will listen to God’s Word at Sunday Mass. | We will listen to God’s Word. | We will listen to God’s Word. | We will listen to God’s Word at Sunday Mass.
The readings and the Gospel we will hear. | The readings and the Gospel we will hear. | the readings and the Gospel | the readings and the Gospel | The readings and the Gospel we will hear.
We will say the Our Father and the Creed. | We will say the Our Father and the Creed. | We will say the Our Father. | We will say the Our Father. | We will say the Our Father and the Creed.
We’ll receive the sacrament of Eucharist. | We’ll receive the sacrament of Eucharist. | We’ll receive the sacrament. | We’ll receive the sacrament. | We’ll receive the sacrament of Eucharist.
This is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. | This is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. | This is the Body and Blood. | This is the Body and Blood. | This is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
We will go in peace to love and serve the Lord. | We will go in peace to love and serve the Lord. | We will go in peace to love. | We will go in peace to love. | We will go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
[To the tune of “BINGO”]
The Bible is a storybook of God and all creation. / B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E / of God and all creation.
It tells about how God created light and sky and earth and sea / B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E,
B-I-B-L-E / sky and earth and sea.
And also sun and moon and stars and animals and humans / B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E,
B-I-B-L-E / animals and humans.
We read about the stories of Moses, Noah, Abraham. / B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E / of Moses, Noah, Abraham.
We read about the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke and John. / B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E,
B-I-B-L-E / Matthew, Mark, and Luke and John.
I like to read a book that tells stories about Jesus. / B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E / stories about Jesus.
It tells about what he has done, his teachings and his healing. / B-I-B-L-E, B-I-B-L-E,
B-I-B-L-E / his teachings and his healing.
Praying Song
[To the tune of “On Top of Old Smokey”]
I want to get closer / to God every day. / I will study the Scriptures / and then I will pray.
I’ll pray to the Father / and also the Son, / the Holy Spirit, / together as one.
I say the Lord’s Prayer / and Hail Mary too, / saying the Rosary / like us Catholics do.
I tell God I’m sorry / when I fail to do good. / I ask God’s forgiveness /
as all Christians should.
I go to Mass Sunday, / the Gospel I’ll hear. / We say the Our Father, / a prayer I hold dear.
Receiving Communion / at Mass when I go / brings me closer to Jesus / as you may well know.
I pray for myself and / other people as well. / I praise and adore God, / thanksgiving I tell.
I speak to God daily / in whatever I do, / but I have to listen / to await something new.
I know that God hears me / and loves me a lot. / That is something important / I have never forgot. /
Grace Before Meals
[To the tune of “Mulberry Bush”]
Bless us O Lord for these your gifts
these your gifts/ these your gifts
Bless us O Lord for these your gifts
that we are about to receive.
From thy bounty through Christ our Lord
Christ our Lord, Christ our Lord
From thy bounty through Christ our Lord
Christ your Lord. AMEN.
Sacrament Song
[To the tune of “The Farmer In The Dell”
Sacrament shows God’s love
Sacrament shows God’s love
God gave us the sacraments
They are a sign from God.
We share in the life of God.
We share in the life of God.
There are seven sacraments
that help us love God more.
God’s life in us is grace.
God’s life in us is grace.
Baptism we get this grace,
the grace we get from God.
With water we are baptized.
We make the Sign of the Cross,
receive the Holy Spirit
and are welcomed in the church.
Penance, another name
is the next sacrament.
We’re sorry for our sins
because they offend God.
Reconciliation means
our sins are forgiven.
Receive the bread and wine.
Receive the bread and wine.
Holy Communion is the
Body and Blood of Christ.
Confessing of our sins
Receiving the Eucharist
We receive these sacraments
in second grade this year.
Ten Commandment Song
[To the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas]
The 1st Commandment that we received from God
is worship the only true God
The 2nd Commandment that we received from God
is respect God’s name
and worship the only true God
The 3rd Commandment that we received from God
is keep Sunday holy
respect God’s name
and worship the only true God
The 4th Commandment that we received from God
is honor father,mother
keep Sunday holy
respect God’s name
and worship the only true God
The 5th Commandment that we received from God
honor father,mother
keep Sunday holy
respect God’s name
and worship the only true God
The 6th Commandment that we received from God
be faithful to your spouse
honor father,mother
keep Sunday holy
respect God’s name
and worship the only true God
The 7th Commandment that we received from God
is you shall not steal
be faithful to your spouse
honor father,mother
keep Sunday holy
respect God’s name
and worship the only true God
The 8th Commandment that we received from God
is you shall not lie
you shall not steal
be faithful to your spouse
honor father, mother
keep Sunday holy
respect God’s name
and worship the only true God
The 9th and 10th Commandments that we received from God
are not to envy others
you shall not lie
you shall not steal
be faithful to your spouse
honor father, mother
keep Sunday holy
respect God’s name
and worship the only true God.
ALL SONG LYRICS by Sr. Nanette Zeimet.
Sr. Nanette M. Zeimet, SND, MLA, is a licensed elementary school teacher. She has taught religious education for 13 years and is a master catechist with two religious games published by Creative Teaching LLC.
This article was originally published in Catechist magazine, October, 2017.
Download this article as a PDF: CAT.Oct2017_FromtheField
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