Catholic I.Q. — Confirmed In Faith

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Here’s a 20-question quiz on Confirmation. It contains sample questions such as:

  • Preparation for Confirmation should aim toward a more lively familiarity with the _____.
  • The gift of ___, given at Confirmation helps Catholics measure decisions based on the truths of God.
  • A ____ is selected by the Confirmation candidate based on the integrity of this person’s faith and the witness of their discipleship.

The Kids Quiz is designed for younger learners, the questions are therefore easier.

This quiz can help you, your students, and your students’ families review their knowledge about our Catholic faith. Permission is granted to share it at church, school, or at home.

Download the Quiz here: CAT.Oct2019_CatholicIQ_web


David O’Brien, MDiv, MA, is the faith formation director at St. Timothy parish in Florida. He teaches theology at St. Leo University and is the author of There’s a Beer in My Handbag: Unusual Thoughts about Everyday Faith.


This article was originally published in Catechist magazine, October 2019

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