During the month of February dedicated to the Holy Family, and particularly on St. Valentine’s Day, let us pray for an increase of true, sacrificial love within families.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
like you we are members of the Father’s family. We pray that our family love may reflect his love on its openness to all people. May we forgive even when not forgiven, and be patient with others’ weaknesses.
Jesus, give us peace, unity, and strength to meet the difficulties of daily living. May we use our family resources to improve the quality of life for ourselves and all people. Let us show joy in serving, for whatever we do for others, we do for you.
Mary, inspire us, that our love may be strong but not possessive. Let our willingness to give depend on the needs of others rather than on the cost of giving.
Joseph, help us to be attentive to the Father’s will. Let us be ready, as you were, to act whenever her calls us.
Jessica Gordon blogs at ShowerOfRoses.blogspot.com and CatholicCuisine.blogspot.com.
This article was originally published in RTJ/ Creative Catechist. February/March 2014.
Image credits: Roman Tiraspolsky / Shutter Stock 543996376