When You Dislike Family Prayer Time
To be completely honest, I often don’t enjoy praying with my children. There. I said it.
Now, this might sound ridiculous. I mean,...
Keeping the Faith Incarnational (even under quarantine)
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became...
An Act of Spiritual Communion
When Catholics who may be impeded from attending Mass and receiving Communion, due to illness, or other reasons, the Catholic tradition of praying a...
Prayer of St. John Paul II at Notre Dame, Paris (1980)
Our hearts and prayers here at Bayard, Inc. are with the people of France and with the global Church that weeps at the losses...
Free download: Praying with the Pope, October 2018, for the mission of religious
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for October 2018
The Mission of Religious
Pray for men and women in religious life to be excited about spending time with people...
Praying With the Pope: Prayer Intention for November 2017
The Pope;s Prayer Intention for November 2017: Christians in Asia
Pray for Christians in Asia who show they love Jesus by their words and actions....
Can You Relate? Helping teens and tweens to love prayer
Helping teens and tweens to love prayer
“For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—oracle of the Lord—plans for...
A Family Together: World Mission Day
by Grace Mazza Urbanski CLICK HERE to download a PDF of this activity.
Copyright 2016, Bayard, Inc. All rights reserved. This article is protected...
Have You Seen a Burning Bush Lately?
by Mary McEntee McGill
Today’s prayer will focus on Moses’ discovery of a bush that is burning—a bush that burns but is not consumed...