Your opportunity to acknowledge, celebrate, and nationally
recognize the work and dedication of a parish catechist or a
parish DRE or youth minister—to share the story of his or her ministry.
Rules for Nomination to the Honors Program
- Nominate a person whose faith-filled catechetical ministry exhibits creativity, spirit, and outreach – the kind of witness that may inspire others to answer God’s call take up a ministry in catechesis.
- Fill out the Nomination Form in full.
- Briefly tell your nominee’s story.
- Limit: One nominee per person.
- Submit your nomination to the Honors Program no later than midnight on August 30, 2019.
Nominations are now closed. Thank you to all who have sent in
nominations for our 2020 program.
All nominations will be given to an independent selection committee. The committee will choose a representative number of stories to inspire the entire readership of Catechist Magazine in our January 2020 issue.