Saturday, January 18, 2025

Teaching the Lord’s Prayer – a series

An Introduction to the Our Father and its First Petition JAMES BLANKENSHIP Editor's note: This is the first in a series on the Lord's prayer. Look...

Praying in difficult times

CONNIE CLARK My students sat perfectly still. Every one of them was attentive, reverent, and engaged. And I wish with all my heart that they...

What Is God Calling You To Do?

A Three-step Formula for Discovery ERIC GROTH Advent is about waiting. But the followers of Christ are not called to “wait” in a typical, passive sense,...

HOLY SPIRIT, CONFIRM IN ME… A Prayer for Confirmation candidates

JANE CASSERLY MYERS  Whether one is seven years old preparing for First Communion, or an adolescent in formation toward Confirmation, this prayer describes the constant...

Prayer Puzzles

Help children memorize common prayers SARA JONCKHEERE Memorized prayer has an important place in our Catholic faith, but memorization can be a challenge for students, especially...

Prayer of St. John Paul II at Notre Dame, Paris (1980)

Our hearts and prayers here at Bayard, Inc. are with the people of France and with the global Church that weeps at the losses...

We Gather To Pray: Prayers for Times of Trouble or Sadness

When tragedy strikes, Catholicism shines MARC CARDARONELLA There’s no avoiding it. No matter who you are or where you live, at some point you will have...

Prayer Journal Craft

Creating opportunities for students’ personal prayer SARA JONCKHEERE A prayer journal is a great way to expose students to different types of prayer, while gathering and...

We Gather To Pray: An Advent Prayer Service

Pray with the four themes of the season MARC CARDARONELLA The catechetical challenge for Advent is that it’s not Christmas, but everyone around us acts like...

Music and Eucharistic Adoration

Four Areas of Preparation KATE DANELUK  Years ago, I sat on a vacation Bible school curriculum development team. How could we convict our students in their...