Friday, April 19, 2024

Celebrating Saint…Anna Schaffer

by Patricia MathsonPerson of Courage Feast Day: October 5 for a Saint Page about St. Anna Schäffer that your learners can take home to...

Celebrating Saint Joseph Moscati

Doctor to the Poor, Feast Day: November 16

People of the Way

During Lent, we liturgically relive the passion and death of Christ. We know that his lifesaving death blazed a pathway into the reign of God for all of us.

A Jesse Tree That’s Not Just for Christmas

SR. LOU ELLA HICKMAN, IWBS Plan ahead to recycle your tree for use all year! When you take down your Jesse tree after Christmas, have you...

Celebrating Saint Luigi Orione

Brought Hope to Others; Feast day: March 12

Celebrating Saint…Margaret of Scotland

by Patricia MathsonExample of Loving Others Feast Day: November 16 for a Saint Page about St. Margaret of Scotland that your learners can take...

Beyond Service Projects: Cultivating the Call to Care

We are born selfish. Psychologists call it "egocentricity," and it's a good thing. It enables infants to get their needs met—for hunger to be satisfied, for thirst to be slaked.

Living the Liturgical Year: St. Joseph, the Husband of Mary, March 19

St. Joseph teaches us how to really live! CONNIE CLARK An angel visits you in the middle of the night with a message: Someone in...

Advent Prep for Digital Disciples

Resources to enhance the Advent journey SR. CAROLINE CERVENY Prepare for the Nativity of Jesus using resources from the digital world that surrounds us. Enhance the...

Advent Activity for Dec. 8, Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary

Catechists: Use this activity to explore the themes of today's Gospel with teens. A downloadable PDF of this page is available at the bottom...