Thursday, April 25, 2024

Things to Pray about This Summer

Here we are—coming to the end of our learning year.

7 Steps for a Do-It-Yourself Retreat

Plan this retreat for catechists involved in sacramental formation BY DEANNA BARTALINI Catechists work hard. They share their faith and knowledge, and they give up personal...

Tips for Highlighting Scripture (#NationalBibleWeek)

BY LORI DAHLHOFF In his Year of Faith address to catechists, Pope Francis said, "If we go out to bring his gospel with love, with...

Passing on the Joyful Encounter: The role of the catechist

BY BISHOP ROBERT MCMANUS, DIOCESE OF WORCESTER Pope Francis has repeatedly reminded the Church that the basis of all evangelization and catechesis is the proclamation...

Lent and the Call to Holiness

BY MARCELLINO D’AMBROSIO At age 16, I thought that aspiring to holiness was out of the question. If you really wanted to be holy, I thought,...

Blessed Are You: Understanding and Teaching the Beatitudes

FATHER DWIGHT LONGENECKER One of my favorite Gospel stories is the account of Jesus cleansing the temple. When he turned over the moneychangers' tables, he...

Prayer Before You Begin

Jesus, help us to awaken in others the memory of God. Help us to have a living relationship with You and with our neighbor....

Prayers for #Vocations

Here's a prayer for vocations from among the dozens found at the USCCB website: + Father, we're your people, the work of your hands. So precious are we in...

Parent: “Will they remember everything I taught them?”

Every day after the kids left for school, my mom sat on the edge of her bed and said her prayers using a little...

Practice Simplicity

KATHY HENDRICKS When my husband and I put our house on the market several years ago, we were thrown into an extensive round of clutter...