Saturday, April 20, 2024

A Social Media Session for Parents

Be media mindful at home SR. NANCY USSELMANN, FSP What are parents to do? Smartphones and social media sites seemingly came into existence in the flash...

Doing our Easter Duty

Michael Daley  It's not every day that you come across profound theological truths reading the sports page. Yet, this is just what happened to me...

Jason Evert discusses homosexuality, gay marriage, and holiness

This is a powerful presentation. Recommended for teens, high school age and older. From the video's description on You Tube: "In this segment from Ascension's...

Family-Centered Religious Education

Parish leaders share what’s working DARIA SOCKEY Family-centered catechetics programs — a model that has existed for some time — seems to be trending from a...

Training Disciple-Makers

BY JONATHAN F. SULLIVAN An apprentice is a novice student who learns under the tutelage of a master of an art or craft such as...

Convocation 2017: Catholic Education and Catechesis Recap

Notes From the Session Panelists Thomas W. Burnford & Margaret Matijasevic The 2017 Convocation of Catholic Leaders on July 1-4 in Orlando was a historic gathering...

End-of-Year Inventory

Piles of Bibles. Workbooks. Boxes of pens. Stacks of papers.

The Catechist and Scripture — A Parish-Based Retreat

DEANNA G. BARTALINI Praying and reflecting on who we are as catechists This retreat is designed so that a local director of religious education and a...

Church leaders take note: Liturgies and prayer resources in response to the Church scandals

Recently the NCCL's newsletter shared this new resource titled "LITURGIES AND PRAYER RESOURCES IN RESPONSE TO RECENT EVENTS." It is filled with suggested Mass settings,...

The Teen Influence

I have often reflected on the story of the young Jesus teaching in the Temple. "And all who heard him were astounded at his understanding and his answers" (Luke 2:47). The wisdom of the youthful Jesus comes to mind when I consider the controversy over what age one should be before he or she can take on the full responsibility of being a catechist.