Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Webinar by Sr. Eileen McCann on St. Joseph

A wonderful webinar presentation for the Year of St. Joseph: Joseph, Dreamer or Believer—Is There a Difference? by Sr. Eileen McCann, CSJ   View using the video...

The Community-Building Power of VBS

Vacation Bible School and the Fifth Task of Catechesis LISANNE JENSEN Ask a child the question, “How was Vacation Bible School today?” and you’re likely to...

Living as Missionary Disciples — by Bishop Robert J. McManus

Being Urged on By the Love of Christ Bishop Robert J. McManus “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the...

Integrating Catechesis into Youth Ministry

Catechesis balances program offerings of evangelization and service ERIC GROTH Good youth ministry is comprehensive. Done well, it integrates opportunities to evangelize, form, and serve. We...

The Fruits and Challenges of Restoring the Order

On the age for Confirmation for children and youth JONATHAN F. SULLIVAN The sacrament of Confirmation poses something of a challenge for catechetical leaders in the...

Proclaiming the Cross and Resurrection

JOE PAPROCKI When you watch late-night TV, you often see commercials for "miracle" products with claims so startling they seem to defy logic. And just...

Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit

Catechesis on the sacrament of Confirmation BISHOP ROBERT J. McMANUS This article explains the nature and purpose of the sacrament of Confirmation. It will be divided...

3 Easy-Breezy Ways to Become a Digital Catechist

by Caroline Cerveny, SSJ-TOSF, D.Min. We are surrounded by our digital tools: mobile phones, tablets, and so much more! Digital tools are a part...

Advice from a Master Catechist: “Why Do I Have to Go to Mass?”

Question: I need help with my youth ministry apologetics. The middle- and high-school students often ask me some version of the following question: “Why...

God is Love

Reflections on Catholic Social Teaching and Catechesis in Our Day TIMOTHY P. O'MALLEY In catechetical textbooks the formal study of doctrine is often separated from immersion...