Saturday, April 20, 2024

Template for Prayer Bag Craft

Download this template to use with the craft found in Catechist magazine, February, 2019. Click on this link: Paper Bag Prayer Book Templates

Crafts for Catechists: Easter Symbols Candy

by Jessica Gordon CLICK HERE to download a pdf of this activity.   Copyright 2016, Bayard, Inc. All rights reserved. This article is protected by United...

Children’s Coloring Page in Honor of Pope Benedict XVI (free download)

We mourn and remember the life of Pope Benedict XVI. As we pray for his soul and move through these days of the public viewing...

Eucharistic Banner Craft

Create a personalized banner as a keepsake SARA JONCKHEERE Creating banners in anticipation of First Holy Communion celebrations have become popular projects through the...

Small Packages

Teaching the Story of David and Goliath LYNN WEHNER In the world, we are besieged by the idea that “bigger is better.” And yet God himself...

Prayer Journal Craft

Creating opportunities for students’ personal prayer SARA JONCKHEERE A prayer journal is a great way to expose students to different types of prayer, while gathering and...

“Will You Pray for Me?” Spiritual Bouquet

BY JESSICA GORDON A KEEPSAKE BOOK  A spiritual bouquet is an arrangement of spiritual roses, namely a gift of prayers, sacrifices, and alms pledged in writing...

Mary links for research and for fun: The Mary page, word search, and coloring...

Here are some Mary-related resources that you may find helpful in class! From Real Life at Home This Hail Mary word search puzzle will help reinforce...

Crafts for Catechesis: Seven Sacraments Stained-Glass Window

JESSICA GORDON This fun and colorful craft provides an excellent opportunity to teach children more about the sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ and how they...

A Jesse Tree That’s Not Just For Christmas

Plan Ahead to Recycle your Tree for use all Year SR. LOU ELLA HICKMAN When you take down your Jesse tree after Christmas, have you ever...