Thursday, April 25, 2024
Home Catechist Formation Prayer and spiritual growth

Prayer and spiritual growth

From Manger to Mission

Through Baptism, We Are Sent; Through Eucharist, We Are Nourished

Prayers for #Vocations

Here's a prayer for vocations from among the dozens found at the USCCB website: + Father, we're your people, the work of your hands. So precious are we in...

Prayer to Share with Other Catechists

Lord, we gather with a common heritage—our faith. We gather with a common purpose—to teach that faith. As a small faith community, we pray for our...

Advice from a Master Catechist: The Prayer to the Holy Spirit Explained

Question: Before Pentecost comes, I’d like my students to learn the Holy Spirit prayer (“Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful …”)....

Things to Pray about This Summer

Here we are—coming to the end of our learning year.

Alpha as the On-Ramp to Evangelization

A Profile on How a Growing Parish is Reaching Others for Christ DAN O’ROURKE Walter stands in front of the altar at our church, sharing his...

Resources: Prayer for Times of Trouble, Tragedy, or Sadness; plus a parish resource

Many lives have been affected by increased gun violence in our country. We turn to God in prayer as we mourn for the dead...

The Holy Spirit in Our Lives

How to develop a connection with the best friend we never knew we had SR. BRITTANY HARRISON, FMA I could never pray to a bird, I...

Our Daily Response: April/May 2013

As catechists, we are conscientious about daily prayer—“conscientious” in that we want a discipline of daily prayer. We know our special gifts have been called to serve this ministry, we take our mission seriously, and so we are people of prayer.

Sharing Prayer

In recent weeks, you and the team have been preparing for the learning year ahead by reviewing texts and working on lesson plans. In this prayer, you will bless one another in a special way and profess your beliefs in the creed.